The cognitive Learning theory explores the concepts that instruction must be well organized, clearly structured, well displayed, and should provide feedback for learning to take place. Therefore how can the used of technology supports the cognitive learning theory.
In this week lesson we learned about, activities that will get student involved in their learning experience. We learnt how we can use word processing, spreadsheet and multimedia tools to enhance the learning capabilities of students. One of the way is by using these software to create a medium of clues, questions and advance organizers. The use of brainstorming software can also help student use their mental facets in order to reach succe
ss in learning. Some Students are visual and while some are otherwise in their learning styles to use of technology does reach these students, so that they can understand concepts more clearly. The visual use of PowerPoint and video will help students to understand key concepts.

Note taking is another essential component in order for students to provide feedback, take notes for reflection and they can use this also as a place to ask questions.
My students love the use of blogs and discussion forum they get a chance to express themselves, ask questions, etc. This I can testify is a great way to enhance learning.
ReplyDeleteIn our class text, Lever-Duffy & McDonald (2008) explain the cognitive learning theory as simply being how an individual thinks. When thinking about how an individual learns, I feel excited. I firmly believe in teaching to students' individual learning styles. When I realize what strategies effect my students the most and I see their "light bulbs" turn on, I get excited! The learning strategies that were presented by Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, and Malenoski (2007) are all strategies that effectively integrate technology in a form that relates to the cognitive learning theory. I especially like their idea of using multimedia resources to enhance lessons and give students a visual image of what they are learning. I often use the United Streaming website to add images and graphics into my classes and my students really enjoy it.
Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. (2008). Theoretical Foundations (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
I love the idea of individual learning styles. I am a firm believer that students learn differently. As teachers we must find out how students learn and meet their needs at that level. I am reminded of the movie "The Blind Side" where he tested 98% in protective instinct. That is truly where a teacher knows their students even though it is on the football field. We must know our students in order to meet their needs in learning.
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued that you are already using blogs with your students to support cognitive learning theory. I would love to see your blog as an example. May I have the link? (You can e-mail it to me through class e-mail if you don't want to post it online).