Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Progress of my Game Plan

In order to accomplish this game plan to inspire creativity I have embarked on several iniatives.

The creation of a website is on the plan for this week. However we have encountered some challenges. One in particular is to research and collation of information to be placed on the website. So I have incorporated to help of a few other teachers to assist me with this project. This will inturn give them a bit of insight into the plans to reach students using technological tools.

Another the difficuties that we have encounted was an appropiate design for the website, even though there are so many free website information some of them are very limited, but after communicating with few experts in the field we decided to use, which is a free website hosting site but it also helps you along the way with designing and their are many other tools you can add to make it look great.

We have also created the blog for communication and feedback so that when the website is done, we will place a link on the front page so that students can navigate there to express themselves.

Another step that has taken in the line of parent involvement is to ask to President of the PTA (Parents and Teachers Associations) about having a forum to ecourage parents to tbe digitally lieterate. We both agree that an ICT workshop just before school opens will be ideal.

Lastly my game plan involves a personal goal, to be more organized in the classroom, so this week I have started preparing for lessons for the start of the school year

These are the things that I have accomplish so far in my game plan.


  1. Response to Educator 4 Life,

    I believe involving the parents in the website will be critical in making the home/school connection. Have you thought about starting a technology club to involve students? This club could occur before, during, or after school and assist with the creation and maintenance of the website. The dynamics of the club would be up to you and your team. It could cater to only your grade level or others. It would be great to see what the students would offer in reference to including information on the website, to include voice threads, homework help, a wiki, or a blog.


  2. I agree that having a clean easy to access and read website is the right start in getting parents involved. Having parental input is a good way to communicate back and forth and putting those thoughts and ideas on a website will make is easier for everyone. Having a workshop before school begins is a great way to inform parents that this is what is going to happen this school year and that you need their help and support in doing so. We are all moving into the digital world and it is time for everyone to jump on board and be a part of the learning community that we teach in.

  3. It is important that parents be and stay connected with their student's school and teacher. It sounds like a great idea to involve PTA with the parents to be competent with technology. Do you know of already planned activities that will involve, and more importantly, engage parent support and participation?

  4. Great goals and progress! In regards to your website, does it have the space capabilities to add power points, voicethreads, or word documents so that you can post reviews on what students are learning in class? Do you have a district webpage? If so someone in our class said that they put a link on their district webpage that took their students and parents straight to their newly created webpage- I thought that was a good idea. Good luck with everything,

  5. Amber I am happy that you asked that question. The plan is to have parents involved in a workshop while student do 1st day orientation and registration. This will capsulate them in an activity and get them on board with the website and other tools. Can't wait for the new school yesr to implement this.

  6. Michelle, This website allows you to add gadgets to upload any file, and also create links to our home page. I love using yola it is very flexible.
