Monday, November 23, 2009

I recently just visited a site for teachers, called "Partnership for 21st Century skills". I was amazed to see how rapid the technolgywithin the states are growing, this really surpised me. This website a great way to see others organizations who are thinking the same way like you. this website is also a absolutely wonderful place for resources of technology. I visited the resources page and noticed that other business have partnered with this organization to show thier committment to sharing the technology around.
As a teacher this implies to me that that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and very soon all our school will be technological efficient.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Use of Blogging in the Classroom

Blogging to a technological tool use to publish information to the internet so that others can interact by sharing information.
For the Student the use of blogs enables them to interact with each other, share their concerns on thought provoking issues, showcase their work. It facilitates students to express themsleves in writing, and also enougage them to read and respond, analytically to what they have read.
Students are able to discuss topics to get a better understanding of concepts that were taught in class,blogging can also be reflection tool for students, and for revision. They can use blogging to create an online portofilo of work done in the past and present. For students blogging is a powerful medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information.
For the educators we can use blog to post class related information, for example, events. We can also use it as a tool to post assignments, give guidelines for writing skills. We can provide our students with online videos, articles so that they can view out of school. Provide other links with information relating to class. We can create an online book club. this one is the best of all we can link to other classes somewhere else in the world. The use of blog is one of the best tool we can use in the classroom to facilitate learning.
As an educator I teach to College level students. The use of the blog in the classroom is a great medium for my students to communicate and share information. It really allows them to be creative, intuitive, and promotes critical and analytical thinking on areas that are controversial and otherwise.
Students appreciate the use of blogs in the classroom to enhance learning. They can associate with this medium, they get excited when this approach is being used. therefore blogging can be a excellent way gain hands-on experience to prepare them for this rapid changing world of technology

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Introduction of Technology in the classroom

What are your views on the introduction of technology in the classroom.?

The introduction of blogs; wikis online learning systems and other forms of technology into the classroom has caused quite a stirr in the educational industry.

Technology into the classroom has been an change that some teachers are apprehensive about., while others are excited about the learning opportunites its introduces. According to the author of the book Blogs; Wikis, podcast, and other powerful Web Tools for classrooms 2nd ED, He states that education had been slow to adpat to these new tools and potentials. (Richardson W. 2006)

As educators my view is that these technologies helps us to connect and collaborate with our students, by utilzing a tool they love, to inspire reading, writing and creativity. The author of the book Blogs;Wikis; Pocasting and other powerful tools for classrooms 2nd Ed. states, we are creating what author Douglas Ruchkoff calls a "society of authorship" where every teacher and every student- every person with access, will have the ability to contribute ideas and experiences to a larger body of knowledge that is the internet. (Rushkoff, 2004)

As educator we need to be passionate about this new way of learning, by adpating these webtools into our curriculum. The online interaction has become the way to live, learn and survive in the 21st century. Its is really an disturbing moment when our students seem to know more about these tools than we do.

So educator take some time out to build your own learning networks or even become a member of a social network, so that we can begin to associate with our students in thier world.

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