Sunday, December 27, 2009

I have come to the cessation of the course "Understanding the Impact of Technology, Work and Society" at the Walden University in pursuit of my Masters in Education, specializing in the Integration of Technology in the classroom.
In reflection of this course, I have really learnt a lot about the impact that technology has on education. Before this course I had no idea how to create blogs wikis or podcast. I am now proud to say that I have intergated these tools into the classroom to enhance learning. Lets us taka a look at what was done in this course
Firstly I created a blog called so that I can post my ideas, thoughts in education and technology and for the purpose of reflecting on work done. Person can then read my post and comment at anytime. In creating the blog I learnt who to customize my page using RSS feeds, adding a picture, and customizing my profile, added books that I have read. I really had a wonderful time with this assignments. I am equally as excited for my students who will use the medium to collaborate with each other on subject areas that needs emphasis within the classroom
Secondly, I joined with several of my classmates to create a wiki space. This was a challenging assignment, nonetheless, we made it happen. This excerise was amazing, I realized that the use of these tools are powerful in the learning environment. We all had to pull our ideas together editing and entering post, communicating to ensure that we were consistent, in order for this assignment to be successful. The creation of wikis do have some valuable lessons for students in the classroom. I also had the opportunity to visit a website, where technology had impact on the classroom.
Lastly we had an opportunity to create a podcast, by interviewing students about their use to technology. This showed me that I can do lecturers and post them for student to hear, if they missed class or would like to review.
I would most certainly continue to explore tools to assits me in my technological development. My long term goals will include to use of technology in the classroom by intergating my students into blogging and wikispaces. This will help my assessment to be more project oriented rather that test oriented. I will also love to record lectures so that students can use it for revision purposes.
I really enjoyed this class. I has certainly opened my eyes more to do more for students who we know already have an appreciation for technology.